
Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

My day wit my BF

Plen, i really love this day....
Coz, i don't know...(ha...ha...)

Today my lovely "BF" went to my house. She brings choco, ice cream, games, and books....

First we ate some chocolate but we eat to much.... So i got an stomachache (!!!)
Then we ate ice cream it's more fun than eat chocolate.

Then we decide to play UNO but it's to boring
So we just sleep n dreaming.......

Gud SliPzZ


artIsT terFavOuRiTe><

Klean smua ada artis kesukaan ng?

Klu w buanyak......

Klean tau Chad Michael?
Itu termasuk artis kesukaan w lo....
ni fotony.........

Ha.....ha.... ganteng banget.......

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

In the World Lyrics(JUSHEVEREN) our bands

(r) In the World, there are so many thing
That u never know..
In The World, there are so many thing
That u never see...
I'll show u, together we go to find out
Do u have some question
We'll find the answer together...

3%4 Let's be together, we'll find the answer

Let's be together, we'll love each other

Let's be together, we'll sing together

Can u always, be...side of me....

Back to (r) then 3%4

aaaaaaaaaa...... ( be....side of me)


Waktu hari Minggu...... W di ruma nga ada kerjaan, jde w bka computer then it's time to play game.. Tpe w bosan buanget becoZ u taw la, gameny itu-itu aja....

So i decide utk naek speda ma temen, tpe temen w pigi jalan-jalan semua..... "ha........." Kata w dngan kecewa..... Jde apa yang harus w lakukan ari ini??? Tiba-tiba w teringat cici wa.. Lalu w tny cici w yg ke 2 tuch... " Ci Egi, u ari ini ada janjian ma temen nga, mksd w pigi jln-jln ma tmn lo?"
Jde si dia blng "Nga tuh!! Np?" Y w ceritain ke dy bahwa w bosan bngt di ruma... Rupanya dia jga bosan karna nga ada kerjaan.........

Akhirny kt putuskan maw pigi ke bundaran Cemara Asri........ Utk jalan-jalan n makan di sana... Jde ari ini w nga bosan lge dech...... ^. ^

whEn We FolLowEd YlE

Adu, w takut bngt wkt YLE.....
Tp akhirny terlewati jga...

Sewaktu YLE kita akan menghadapi berbagai ujian, yaitu:
- Writing
- Speaking

Sewaktu ujian sesi Writing and Listening
w si biasa aja...

Tpi wkt ujian speaking...
AMPUN dech.

W diujiankan oleh Ms. Mei(Pemilik Sekolah CK's)

Gugup bngt w...><

Tpe ng susa-susa bngt, soalny Ms. Mei baik sich..

Sesudah Ujian
W ma tmn makan-makan dech di "FOOD COURT"

Nasi Gorengnya enak lho!!!!

Jumat, 17 April 2009

CarA-caRa mEngHadApI UASBN

Kalian tahu ngak cara" menghadapi UASBN..

Enteng aja teman..

Kita memerlukan:
-Pensil 2B
-Dan apa yang kamu rasa perlu...

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

hepi valentine

Hepi valentines day..

Luv is miracle
Luv is magic
Wish u hepi with u're couple
He... he...

Gip me comment y...